Equipment operation training
Equipment operation training

1. Ensure that operators can independently complete all operations of the equipment through one-to-one training of on-site technicians (2-3 operators are recommended).

2. Solve the actual needs of international customers through remote video training and teaching.

3. It is convenient and fast to train through the video teaching center on the official website.

4. Through the equipment computer built-in teaching video training, at any time to meet the single operation teaching.

DISAI optimization software training
DISAI optimization software training

1. Ensure that operators can complete all operations of the optimization software independently through one-to-one training of on-site technicians (2-3 operators are recommended).

2. Learn by optimizing the software operation manual.

3. It is convenient and fast to train through the video teaching center on the official website.

4. Training through the operation manual of the built-in optimization software of the equipment computer.

Equipment maintenance training
Equipment maintenance training

1. On-site training equipment daily maintenance content.

2. Learn the equipment maintenance manual by yourself.

3. Equipment computer built-in equipment maintenance manual.

4. Download the equipment maintenance manual from the Resource center.